Image frame assembly

Image frame assembly — Image frame assembly helpers


Types and Values


#include <fpi-assembling.h>


Those are the helpers to manipulate capture data from fingerprint readers into a uniform image that can be further processed. This is usually used by drivers for devices which have a small sensor and thus need to capture data in small stripes.


fpi_do_movement_estimation ()

fpi_do_movement_estimation (struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx *ctx,
                            GSList *stripes,
                            size_t num_stripes);

fpi_do_movement_estimation() estimates the movement between adjacent frames, populating delta_x and delta_y values for each fpi_frame.

This function is used for devices that don't do movement estimation in hardware. If hardware movement estimation is supported, the driver should populate delta_x and delta_y instead.

Note that num_stripes might be shorter than the length of the list, if some stripes should be skipped.



fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx - frame assembling context



a singly-linked list of fpi_frame



number of items in stripes to process


fpi_assemble_frames ()

struct fp_img *
fpi_assemble_frames (struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx *ctx,
                     GSList *stripes,
                     size_t num_stripes);

fpi_assemble_frames() assembles individual frames into a single image. It expects delta_x and delta_y of fpi_frame to be populated.

Note that num_stripes might be shorter than the length of the list, if some stripes should be skipped.



fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx - frame assembling context



linked list of fpi_frame



number of items in stripes to process



a newly allocated fp_img.

fpi_assemble_lines ()

struct fp_img *
fpi_assemble_lines (struct fpi_line_asmbl_ctx *ctx,
                    GSList *lines,
                    size_t num_lines);

fpi_assemble_lines assembles individual lines into a single image. It also rescales image to account variable swiping speed.

Note that num_lines might be shorter than the length of the list, if some lines should be skipped.



fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx - frame assembling context



linked list of lines



number of items in lines to process



a newly allocated fp_img.

Types and Values

struct fpi_frame

struct fpi_frame {
	int delta_x;
	int delta_y;
	unsigned char data[0];

fpi_frame is used to store frames for swipe sensors. Drivers should populate delta_x and delta_y if the device supports hardware movement estimation.


int delta_x;

X offset of the frame


int delta_y;

Y offset of the frame


unsigned char data[0];



struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx

struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx {
	unsigned int frame_width;
	unsigned int frame_height;
	unsigned int image_width;
	unsigned char (*get_pixel)(struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx *ctx,
				   struct fpi_frame *frame,
				   unsigned int x,
				   unsigned int y);

fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx is a structure holding the context for frame assembling routines.

Drivers should define their own fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx depending on hardware parameters of scanner. image_width is usually 25% wider than frame_width to take horizontal movement into account.


unsigned int frame_width;

width of the frame


unsigned int frame_height;

height of the frame


unsigned int image_width;

resulting image width


get_pixel ()

pixel accessor, returns pixel brightness at x,y of frame


struct fpi_line_asmbl_ctx

struct fpi_line_asmbl_ctx {
	unsigned int line_width;
	unsigned int max_height;
	unsigned int resolution;
	unsigned int median_filter_size;
	unsigned int max_search_offset;
	int (*get_deviation)(struct fpi_line_asmbl_ctx *ctx,
			     GSList *line1, GSList *line2);
	unsigned char (*get_pixel)(struct fpi_line_asmbl_ctx *ctx,
				   GSList *line,
				   unsigned int x);

fpi_line_asmbl_ctx is a structure holding the context for line assembling routines.

Drivers should define their own fpi_line_asmbl_ctx depending on the hardware parameters of the scanner. Swipe scanners of this type usually return two lines, the second line is often narrower than first and is used for movement estimation.

The max_search_offset value indicates how many lines forward the assembling routines should look while searching for next line. This value depends on how fast the hardware sends frames.

The function pointed to by get_deviation should return the numerical difference between two lines. Higher values means lines are more different. If the reader returns two lines at a time, this function should be used to estimate the difference between pairs of lines.


unsigned int line_width;

width of line


unsigned int max_height;

maximal height of assembled image


unsigned int resolution;

scale factor used for line assembling routines.


unsigned int median_filter_size;

size of median filter for movement estimation


unsigned int max_search_offset;

the number of lines to search for the next line


get_deviation ()

pointer to a function that returns the numerical difference between two lines


get_pixel ()

pixel accessor, returns pixel brightness at x of line