
net.reactivated.Fprint.Device — Device interface


ListEnrolledFingers    (in  's'  username,
                        out 'as' enrolled_fingers)
DeleteEnrolledFingers  (in  's'  username)
DeleteEnrolledFingers2 ()
DeleteEnrolledFinger   (in  's'  finger_name)
Claim                  (in  's'  username)
Release                ()
VerifyStart            (in  's'  finger_name)
VerifyStop             ()
EnrollStart            (in  's'  finger_name)
EnrollStop             ()


VerifyFingerSelected ('s' finger_name)
VerifyStatus         ('s' result,
                      'b' done)
EnrollStatus         ('s' result,
                      'b' done)

Implemented Interfaces

Objects implementing net.reactivated.Fprint.Device also implements org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable, org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties


'name'              read      's'
'num-enroll-stages' read      'i'
'scan-type'         read      's'
'finger-present'    read      'b'
'finger-needed'     read      'b'


PolicyKit integration

fprintd uses PolicyKit to check whether users are allowed to access fingerprint data, or the fingerprint readers itself.

  • net.reactivated.fprint.device.verify: Whether the user is allowed to verify fingers against saved fingerprints.
  • net.reactivated.fprint.device.enroll: Whether the user is allowed to enroll new fingerprints.
  • net.reactivated.fprint.device.setusername: Whether the user is allowed to query, verify, or enroll fingerprints for users other than itself.


When a username argument is used for a method, a PolicyKit check is done on the net.reactivated.fprint.device.setusername PolicyKit action to see whether the user the client is running as is allowed to access data from other users.

By default, only root is allowed to access fingerprint data for users other than itself. For a normal user, it is recommended that you use an empty string for the username, which will mean "the client the user is running as".

See PolicyKit integration.

Fingerprint names

When a finger name argument is used for a method, it refers to either a single finger, or "any" finger. See the list of possible values below:

  • left-thumb: Left thumb
  • left-index-finger: Left index finger
  • left-middle-finger: Left middle finger
  • left-ring-finger: Left ring finger
  • left-little-finger: Left little finger
  • right-thumb: Right thumb
  • right-index-finger: Right index finger
  • right-middle-finger: Right middle finger
  • right-ring-finger: Right ring finger
  • right-little-finger: Right little finger
  • any: Any finger. This is only used for Device.VerifyStart (select the first finger with a fingerprint associated, or all the fingerprints available for the user when the device supports it) and Device::VerifyFingerSelected (any finger with an associated fingerprint can be used).

Verify Statuses

  • verify-no-match: The verification did not match, Device.VerifyStop should now be called.
  • verify-match: The verification succeeded, Device.VerifyStop should now be called.
  • verify-retry-scan: The user should retry scanning their finger, the verification is still ongoing.
  • verify-swipe-too-short: The user's swipe was too short. The user should retry scanning their finger, the verification is still ongoing.
  • verify-finger-not-centered: The user's finger was not centered on the reader. The user should retry scanning their finger, the verification is still ongoing.
  • verify-remove-and-retry: The user should remove their finger from the reader and retry scanning their finger, the verification is still ongoing.
  • verify-disconnected: The device was disconnected during the verification, no other actions should be taken, and you shouldn't use the device any more.
  • verify-unknown-error: An unknown error occurred (usually a driver problem), Device.VerifyStop should now be called.

Enroll Statuses

  • enroll-completed: The enrollment successfully completed, Device.EnrollStop should now be called.
  • enroll-failed: The enrollment failed, Device.EnrollStop should now be called.
  • enroll-stage-passed: One stage of the enrollment passed, the enrollment is still ongoing.
  • enroll-retry-scan: The user should retry scanning their finger, the enrollment is still ongoing.
  • enroll-swipe-too-short: The user's swipe was too short. The user should retry scanning their finger, the enrollment is still ongoing.
  • enroll-finger-not-centered: The user's finger was not centered on the reader. The user should retry scanning their finger, the enrollment is still ongoing.
  • enroll-remove-and-retry: The user should remove their finger from the reader and retry scanning their finger, the enrollment is still ongoing.
  • enroll-data-full: No further prints can be enrolled on this device, Device.EnrollStop should now be called. Delete other prints from the device first to continue (e.g. from other users). Note that old prints or prints from other operating systems may be deleted automatically to resolve this error without any notification.
  • enroll-duplicate: The print has already been enrolled, Device.EnrollStop should now be called. The user should enroll a different finger, or delete the print that has been enrolled already. This print may be enrolled for a different user. Note that an old duplicate (e.g. from a previous install) will be automatically garbage collected and should not cause any issues.
  • enroll-disconnected: The device was disconnected during the enrollment, no other actions should be taken, and you shouldn't use the device any more.
  • enroll-unknown-error: An unknown error occurred (usually a driver problem), Device.EnrollStop should now be called.


ListEnrolledFingers ()

ListEnrolledFingers (in  's'  username,
                     out 'as' enrolled_fingers)

List all the enrolled fingerprints for the chosen user.


The username for whom to list the enrolled fingerprints. See Usernames.


An array of strings representing the enrolled fingerprints. See Fingerprint names.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the chosen user doesn't have any fingerprints enrolled

DeleteEnrolledFingers ()

DeleteEnrolledFingers (in  's' username)

Delete all the enrolled fingerprints for the chosen user.

This call only exists for compatibility reasons, you should instead claim the device using Device.Claim and then call DeleteEnrolledFingers2 or DeleteEnrolledFinger.


The username for whom to delete the enrolled fingerprints. See Usernames.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the fingerprint is not deleted from fprintd storage

DeleteEnrolledFingers2 ()

DeleteEnrolledFingers2 ()

Delete all the enrolled fingerprints for the user currently claiming the device with Device.Claim.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the fingerprint is not deleted from fprintd storage

DeleteEnrolledFinger ()

DeleteEnrolledFinger (in  's' finger_name)

Delete the enrolled fingerprint for the user currently claiming the device with Device.Claim.


A string representing the finger to delete. See Fingerprint names. Note that "any" is not a valid finger name for this method.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device was not claimed


if the finger name passed is invalid


if the chosen user doesn't have the requsted fingerprint enrolled


if the fingerprint is not deleted from fprintd storage

Claim ()

Claim (in  's' username)

Claim the device for the chosen user.


The username for whom to claim the device. See Usernames.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device is already claimed


if the device couldn't be claimed

Release ()

Release ()

Release a device claimed with Device.Claim.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device was not claimed

VerifyStart ()

VerifyStart (in  's' finger_name)

Check the chosen finger against a saved fingerprint. You need to have claimed the device using Device.Claim. The finger selected is sent to the front-end using Device::VerifyFingerSelected and verification status through Device::VerifyStatus.


A string representing the finger to verify. See Fingerprint names.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device was not claimed


if the device was already being used


if there are no enrolled prints for the chosen user


if there was an internal error

VerifyStop ()

VerifyStop ()

Stop an on-going fingerprint verification started with Device.VerifyStart.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device was not claimed


if there was no ongoing verification


if there was an internal error

EnrollStart ()

EnrollStart (in  's' finger_name)

Start enrollment for the selected finger. You need to have claimed the device using Device.Claim before calling this method. Enrollment status is sent through Device::EnrollStatus.


A string representing the finger to enroll. See Fingerprint names. Note that "any" is not a valid finger name for this method.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device was not claimed


if the device was already being used


if the finger name passed is invalid


if the finger has been already enrolled by the user


if there was an internal error

EnrollStop ()

EnrollStop ()

Stop an on-going fingerprint enrollment started with Device.EnrollStart.



if the caller lacks the appropriate PolicyKit authorization


if the device was not claimed


if there was no ongoing verification


if there was an internal error

Signal Details

The VerifyFingerSelected signal

VerifyFingerSelected ('s' finger_name)


A string representing the finger select to be verified.

See also: Fingerprint names.

The VerifyStatus signal

VerifyStatus ('s' result,
              'b' done)


A string representing the status of the verification.


Whether the verification finished and can be stopped.

See also: Verify Statuses and Device.VerifyStop.

The EnrollStatus signal

EnrollStatus ('s' result,
              'b' done)


A string representing the status of the enrollment.


Whether the enrollment finished and can be stopped.

See also: Enrollment Statuses and Device.EnrollStop.

Property Details

The "name" property

'name'  read      's'

The product name of the device.

The "num-enroll-stages" property

'num-enroll-stages'  read      'i'

The number of enrollment stages for the device. This is only available when the device has been claimed, otherwise it will be undefined (-1).

See also: Device.Claim and Device.EnrollStart.

The "scan-type" property

'scan-type'  read      's'

The scan type of the device, either "press" if you place your finger on the device, or "swipe" if you have to swipe your finger.

The "finger-present" property

'finger-present'  read      'b'

Whether the finger is on sensor.

The "finger-needed" property

'finger-needed'  read      'b'

Whether the sensor is waiting for the finger.